Calling all online computer magazines !

I do a lot of browsing on the internet and particularly online computer/programming magazines, online programming forums, developer resource web sites, etc. One thing I find quite surprising is the lack of information or discussions about the PowerBasic programming language.  Just go to your favorite programming forum or developer magazine web site and type in PowerBasic in the search box

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Windows 7 versus the Intel Atom CPU !

I read something interesting today, which is worth noting. In summary, it appears that the Intel CPU may lose ground with Microsoft Windows 7 when it comes to Tablet PC’s.  Just the idea of Windows running on ARM (let’s see what is announced as CES) CPU’s scares me and confuses me. Why ? The main reason is that all of

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Tablet PC’s and the EZGUI advantage

I am looking forward to the release of Tablet PC’s with Windows 7. The real question is will software developers be able to create software that will run well on Tablet PC’s and make them an asset. Windows 7 already has one strike against it. The Windows operating system has progressively become more and more bloated as time has passed,

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