Author Topic: EZC file for MLG  (Read 928 times)

Chris Gaskell

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EZC file for MLG
« on: March 06, 2024, 04:04:00 am »
This is the MLG EZC file that was provided with My Little Grid:

   My Little Grid

' change paths to match the ones on your system !
' syntax:    FunctionName|par1
' par1 must be a string in quotes or a numeric value (long)
' must be actual function name in DLL !
' PB function names are converted to all CAPS when compiled.
' Property Character|Style|Style Numeric Value
' or
' Property Character|Style Description|Style|Style Numeric Value
' maximum of 30 styles allowed
' extend styles must have [EX] before value
' Note: %WS_CHILD and %WS_VISIBLE are always assumed so don't define
   F|Flat Border|%WS_BORDER|&H800000
   R|Raised Border|%WS_DLGFRAME|&H400000
   S|Sunken Border|%WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE|[EX]&H00000200
