That's odd. I got the following clip from your website a fair while ago but its not the complete info that was on the site. I can't find the complete info now. It was for loading files other than .BMP, such as .JPG, .PNG, etc. I used it a lot:
EZ_GetImageSize F$, W&, H&
Reads an image file and returns the size (width and height) in pixels, without loading.
F$ is the filename (full path) of any Image file windows supports (ie. JPeg, PNG,
W& is a long variable to return the width in pixels
H& is a long variable to return the height in pixels
P$ = EZ_LoadImage (F$, W&, H&, QFlag&)
Loads an image file.
F$ is the filename (full path) of any Image file windows supports (ie. JPeg, PNG,
W& is the requested width of the image (in pixels)
H& is the requested height of the image (in pixels)
QFlag& if set to non-zero (1) requests best quality possible
If W& and H& are set to -1 (or even zero) then the routine will use the actual size of
the image on file.
The return value (P$) is a valid EZGUI Picture string similiar to the return value of