MinWin, Windows 7 (and 8) and better modular design !

I came across some interesting information about something called MinWin which is in Windows Vista, Windows 7 and likely in Windows 8. I won’t go into details about what MinWin is, but if you would like to read more about it check out the following link: http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2009/11/inside-minwin-the-windows-7-kernel-slims-down.ars In essence the idea is to have a top layer of the operating

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User Interfaces – be creative !

One of the things I find confusing about user interface design for Windows is how some programmers simply want to copy how other applications look, even if those applications are totally different than their own. For example, some people want to add Ribbons to their applications, not because they really believe that ribbons are perfect for their application, but simply because

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