Windows 7 and the Tablet PC’s

If Microsoft has to wait until Windows 8, plus support for ARM CPU’s. before it gets deep into the Tablet market, then it may lose the tablet market if they are not careful. Everybody seems to want an IPad (not me) and that could hurt future Windows 7 ( or 8 ) tablets. Now this viewpoint is what I keep

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From DOS to Windows

One of the interesting things I have noticed about my customers who use EZGUI Professional, is that the ones who seem to get the most out of the product are programmers who moved from DOS Basic, like QuickBasic,  (or a Console Basic for Windows) to Windows using EZGUI (and Powerbasic). Why is that , I wonder ? DOS programming was

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PowerBasic 10

PowerBasic 10 is coming soon! You can see a preview of some of the new features here: I want to discuss some of these new features that they have posted on their web site pointing out the ones I am most excited about. Static Link Libraries (SLL’s) I think this is the most important new feature in PowerBasic 10.

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