Windows 7 and the Tablet PC’s

If Microsoft has to wait until Windows 8, plus support for ARM CPU’s. before it gets deep into the Tablet market, then it may lose the tablet market if they are not careful.

Everybody seems to want an IPad (not me) and that could hurt future Windows 7 ( or 8 ) tablets.

Now this viewpoint is what I keep seeing over and over again on computer magazine (and blogs) web sites. The real question is can anything be done about it now ?

Yes, it can, but developers need to step up and start developing amazing applications now, that will run great on even the least powerful Windows 7 tablet.

I’ll update this article a little later, but suffice it to say if you are interested in building such applications, the EZGUI and Powerbasic combination can do it today. They key is to writing software which is not bloated, but which runs like the wind, even on a minimal PC (or tablet).

Ok, what do I need right now for the perfect Windows 7 Tablet PC ?

Intel Atom 1ghz CPU (lowest priced one they have) and a decent graphic chip which again is as low cost as possible. It only needs 2 gig memory (1 may do) and 32 giz SSD (even a 16 gig will do).  Basically, don’t do anyrthing fancy at all with it. The goal, is make it as low cost as possible. The target price is $299 (yes, I mean that).  Skip all the fancy stuff that most manufacturers are adding to make them run the average Windows app decently. Price is everything right now!

So who is  going to be able to write software for such a simple tablet ?

I will and all my customers will and lots of PowerBasic programmers will. We can deliver apps which need even less hardware than I mention above.