OpenGL SuperBible (Second Editon)
This is the book I used in learning OpenGL!
It is easy to understand and well written.
Highly recommended !
OpenGL SuperBible (Fifth Editon)
This is a more current edition of the book I used in learning OpenGL!
I haven't read it, but likely it contains more up to date information.
Worth checking out !
Windows 98 Programming from the Ground Up!
This is the book I used in learning the Windows API basics!
It is easy to understand and well written.
It is mostly pure API code, rather than MFC stuff.
This is the best book for a PowerBasic programmer
to learn the Windows API!
It is easy to convert the books C code to PowerBasic.
Highly recommended !
Windows 98 Programming Secrets
This book was useful to me as a reference about the Windows API.
It is easy to understand and well written.
This book has a good bit of MFC code though.
For a PowerBasic programmer it is a useful reference,
but don't expect to convert a lot of the MFC code in the book!
It is the explanations about Windows which are useful though.
Suggested !